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Swain/Qualla Safe
Smoky Mountain Pregnancy Center Inc.
Finding out that you are pregnant can be stressful. SMPCC provides a safe and confidential opportunity to educate yourself and decide what’s best for you. We are committed to providing you with evidence-based medical information so you can make an informed choice regarding your pregnancy. We educate, encourage, and empower women and men to make informed choices. We have 2 locations, Cullowhee and Franklin NC. Making an appointment is easy. We have two Medical Clinics, one in Jackson County and one in Macon County. We also have Harmoni, our Mobile Medical Unit. Simply visit the “contact us” page, or text/call one of our Medical Clinics during our regular business hours to make an appointment. All of our services are free and confidential. You are welcome to bring one adult guest with you to your appointment. Don’t wait, contact us today. Do you think you might be pregnant? A missed period isn’t the only symptom of pregnancy. In fact, missing your period doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. The best way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. Don’t waste your money at the store. We offer complimentary and medical-grade urine pregnancy testing and we promise to keep your results confidential. There’s no reason to wait and wonder. Make your appointment today.
Bryson City United Methodist Church
Hours: Sunday: 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service. Choir Wed 7pm 1st & 3rd Tuesday: 1pm No Idle Hands. Join this elite force of UM Women every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm for a great time of fellowship, craft time, and planning. Swain Caring Corner Thursday 4p-9p Check web page & Facebook for current & special events
Blue Ridge Community Health Services (school based clinic Swain Middle School)
View Blue Ridge Community Health Services (school based clinic Swain Middle School)
Swain County Health Department
Harris Palliative Care and Hospice
Hospice is a special way of caring for patients and families coping with life-limiting illness. Those needs can be met with the compassion and expertise of Harris Palliative Care & Hospice. Professionals and volunteers are available to help you and your family during this time. If a diagnosis has been accepted and no further curative treatment is being sought, then hospice can offer spiritual, emotional and medical support.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC
With the help of thousands of volunteer Big Brothers and Big Sisters, we’ve been transforming children’s lives through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships for 35 years
NC Cooperative Extension Swain Center
Healthy lifestyle and nutrition programs, Family Consumer Sciences, 4H Livestock Club; 4H Shooting sports. Clogging, youth development, agriculture & horticulture assessments; SHIPP (Senior Health Insurance Information) 4 H Summer Camp
Hawthorn House WNC
The 9-bed facility serves boys and girls, 12-17 years old, who were in need of a safe, nurturing place to go. With an average of 50 youth per year being served by the program, an estimated 2,150 children have received shelter and support through Hawthorn Heights.
Congregations for Children (C4C) Smoky Mountain District
Community outreach, Church-school partnership enhancing k-3 literacy skills. Providing for basic needs, parent involvement, and interaction with positive adult role models. Advocating for the community and government support and public education
View Congregations for Children (C4C) Smoky Mountain District
Hurlburt-Johnson Friendship House
We want to spread our message of hope and compassion for homeless and vulnerable populations. We believe that by providing a safe housing environment and supportive services we can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.
Coalition for a Safe and Drug Free Swain County
A non-profit human services organization dedicated to the prevention of substance misuse and improved health for all residents of Swain County. We provide drug drop boxes, Naloxone nasal spray, used syringe dropbox, Lock Your Meds Campaign. Drug take-back day events.
Youth Villages
Regional provider to WNC 7 county region. Intercept program / one-on-one services in the home, clinical oversight; service coordination, individual youth support; family and other case management. Single point of access for assessment for in-home services. Referrals needed for mental health and social services
Western North Carolina Aids Project (WNCAP)
Free confidential testing; support services for people living with HIV; HIV prevention & care; case management; emergency financial assistance; medication access; ST1 testing; harm reduction equipment, free sterile syringes, used syringe disposal site, syringe exchange program, free condoms
Blue Ridge Community Health Services
DisAbility Partners
We are a private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organization by and for people with all types of disabilities with the goals of maintaining civil rights options, controlling choices and the freedom to participate fully in our communities. We offer ADA Consulting, Social Activities, Person First Services, AgrAbility- Assistive technology Program for Farmers with Disabilities, Cyber Pals, Employment Partners, Home Care Partners, Pathways Thrift Store. The core services of Information and Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Peer Counseling, Transitions, and Advocacy are provided to the far western counties of Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Clay, Cherokee and Graham.
Meridian Behavioral Health
Adult services– ACTT, Community Support Team, Integrated Care, Incarceration program, Psychiatric services, offender services, PACE. Children & Family Services— outpatient counseling, Intensive in-home, family-centered psychiatry. day treatment programs, in school counseling
Blue Ridge First in Families
Direct support to families & individuals according to self-defined needs. The family member must have a developmental disability or delay, or at risk of same; Traumatic Brain Injury. REFERRAL REQUIRD
Community Alternative Services (CAP) & CAP-C children. Durable medical equipment for clients
NC DHHS Services for the Blind
Local office is located at Swain County Department of Social Services 828-488-6921. We offer comprehensive quality services to assist you in adjusting to your vision loss and learning to live independently and safely in your home and community.
Lifeline Assistance Program
Lifeline is a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone and internet. Eligible customers will get up to $9.25 toward their bill. You can only use Lifeline for either phone or internet, but not both. Discounted service for landline phone service or cellular service. Discounted internet service; Citizens qualify by participating in programs like Medicare, SNAP, Federal Public Housing; Veterans and survivors pension benefits.
Swain County Schools Nutrition Services
Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand! The Nutrition Services department is made up of a team of food and nutrition professionals that are dedicated to students’ health, well being and their ability to learn. We support learning by promoting healthy habits for lifelong nutrition and fitness practices. USDA Dietary Guidelines You can now manage your student’s lunch account on-line! You can manage multiple student accounts, make payments and see what your student is purchasing. Click on the K12Payment icon above to set up an account. We also now offer an online free and reduced application in addition to our paper applications. Click on the icon below to start the online application process. You can also pick up a paper application from your child’s school if you prefer.
Alzheimer’s Support North Carolina
Alzheimer Support is a free service that assists Swain County families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Through our free search tool and database of Alzheimer’s care facilities, families in need of care for their loved ones can locate licensed care homes and communities in the Swain County area that are best equipped to provide care for their loved ones.
Mountain Projects
Mountain Projects is a community action agency that offers support and resources to those in need. Certified health insurance application counselors. Offering services to Senior Citizens, Canton Nutrition Site Congregate Nutrition Program In Home Services Haywood County Resource Center Foster Grandparent Program Senior Companions Volunteer Center Aging Plan Housing Services, Housing Rehabilitation Smoky Mountain Housing Partnership Section-8 Tenant Portal Login Tenant Portal Registration Landlords Landlord Portal Login Landlord Portal Registration Other Services Children’s Services Food Service Transportation Haywood Transit Mountain Strong Prevention Central Services Health Insurance Counselors
Regional managed healthcare. Adult and Children mental health assessments, group, and individual and family therapy. Substance abuse counseling and treatment. Intensive in home therapy. Chlidren and adult crisis services. Vaya manages publicly funded behavioral health and intellectual/ developmental disability services in our region of North Carolina. We believe whole-person care – with a focus on both mind and body – is essential to overall health.
Bryson City Presbyterian Church
Manna pop up markets, Food Pantry(various days and hours), AA meetings. Site location for The Giving Spoon
Free clinic serving 100% uninsured/underinsured patients. Primary care and behavioral health care services are provided. Services for Hispanic or Latino community.Mobile clinic for Migrant Farmworkers. Traditional clinic for Seasonal Farmworkers. Wellness groups are also available. Clothing Closet and Childrens Christmas gift assistance also available. Mental Health services available
Together We Raise Inc
To meet the basic needs of Swain County’s foster children and adults that are wards of the state.
Christian ACTS Church
NC Dept of Public Safety, Division of Adult Correction & Juvenile Justice
The Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice is responsible for the care, custody and supervision of all adults and juveniles sentenced after conviction for violations of North Carolina law. For adults, sentences range from probation served in the community to active prison sentences served in one of the state’s prison facilities. After prison, there is a period of post-release supervison for offenders to help them transition more successfully back to the community. For those who commit technical violations of probation there is Confinement in Response to Violation (CRV). For juveniles, the focus is on strengthening families, promoting delinquency prevention, supporting core social institutions, intervening immediately and effectively when delinquent behavior occurs, and identifying and controlling the small group of serious, violent, and chronic juvenile offenders in the local communities. NC Dept. of Public Safety, Juvenile Services, Restorative Justice, Teen Court, 30th Judicial District, Juvenile Detention
View NC Dept of Public Safety, Division of Adult Correction & Juvenile Justice
Four Seasons, The Care You Trust
Southwestern Commission Council of Governments
Non- emergency medical transportation, Community/public transit; caregiver support;home-delivered meals/congregate meals; dislocated worker program; home visiting programs; job search services; legal aid for seniors; Medicare/Medicaid information and training; employment services for veterans. The Southwestern Commission remains the conduit for member governments to obtain funds from a variety of sources. The difference today is that federal and state grants now represent a much smaller share of project revenue. Many current local government projects have zero federal or state grant funds included in their budgets, with loans (both public and private), non-profit grants, and philanthropic foundations collectively becoming the more dominant resources. Rapidly improving technological capabilities have streamlined the process of grant administration – we can reach all of the member governments in an instant with email and phone calls. However, the heart of regional cooperation is intergovernmental collaboration and for many, face-to-face meetings remain important. The Southwestern Commission staff are trained as professional facilitators, and the Commission actively assists with conflict resolution and dispute mediation. Our primary “new century” currency is relationship capital. In addition to changes in government funding, administrative procedures, and facilitation methods, the region has changed as well. Southwestern North Carolina is rapidly growing and as the population increases, so does demand on local government to provide the needed services and infrastructure. The Southwestern Commission is a valued resource in land use planning, economic and workforce development, and in providing needed services to our aging population.
Southwestern Child Development Commission Inc
Pre-K, Infant toddler classrooms, MORE @ 4, kindergarten readiness, subsidized childcare, support to family child care homes, parenting classes Incredible Years, Circle of Parents, Triple P
The Grove Church
We believe that church should be fun, exciting, meaningful, and relevant to the world in which you work and live. Our desire is to see those who are disconnected with God and the church find that both are relevant to their lives. We have fellowship, and youth programs. We also offer a Firewood program and a cold weather shelter program, also available is the Birthday program/ special occasion for residents of Hawthorne Heights.
Teen Challenge of the Smokies
A faith-based men’s center 12-month residential addiction recovery program. Hope, help, and healing through God’s love and His word are offered here. Providing men with an effective and comprehensive Christian, faith-based solution to life-controlling drug and alcohol problems in order to become productive members of society. The program consists of group studies, personal studies, bible studies counseling, chapel and work. New life- skills and coping skills are taught to give men new tools in their tool box to handle the stress and problems of life.
Swain County Paramedicine Program
This is a referral-based service concentrating on hospital discharges. The patient is followed for a four-week period. Services start at home with an intake meeting, a needs assessment, mental health assessment, and physical environment overview
Swain County NC Works Career Center
- Career Assessment and Coaching
- copy
- Customer Resource Center with computers
- Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist
- fax
- internet
- Interview Coaching and Preparation
- Job Search Assistance
- Job Seeker and Employer Workshops
- Labor Market Information
- Resume Assistance and Preparation
- scan
- Unemployment Assistance and Information
- Veteran Career Readiness
North Carolina Career Center.
Parents As Teachers Region A Partnership for Children
Build school readiness skills for children from prenatal to kindergarten. Monthly home visits.
State of Franklin Health Council, INC
Swain Family Resource Center
Swain Family Resource Center provides basic needs such as food, clothing, and other supplies.
Appalachian Community Services
- Adult Recovery Unit
- Adult Services
- Anger Management
- Behavioral Health Urgent Care
- Child and Adolescent Services
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Community Crisis Response
- Community Support Teams
- Crisis Services
- Day Treatment
- Diagnostic Assessment
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Early Recovery
- Group Services
- Intensive In-home
- Medication
- Medication Management
- Mindfulness
- Outpatient Therapy
- Parenting
- Peer Support
- Psychological testing
- Substance Abuse
- Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Treatment
- Substance Use Services
The leading provider of Mental Health, Substance Use, and Developmental Disabilities services in the Southwest North Carolina regions. Appalachian Community Services provides Child & Adolescent Services, Adult Services, Substance Use Services, and Group Services.
Swain County Recreation Department
Year ‘Round Recreational Programs for Adults and Youths Resources include basketball, soccer, football, tennis, free weights, playground, swimming, skateboarding and baseball. The indoor facility also has a meeting room for community use. We also work with Little League and Senior Games programs, and sponsor events such as the Santa Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt. Swain County Recreation Office • Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Swain County Recreation Indoor Facility • 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday • 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Saturday Day Camp, Breakfast with Santa; spring & fall hikes; youth football & cheerleading; youth baseball & softball; youth basketball; swimming pool; swimming lessons;
Swain Clean
Swain Clean is a sub-chapter of the Swain County Chamber of Commerce. Swain Clean mission is to involve our Swain neighbors in taking pride in our community through clean roads and waterways. We are always looking for volunteers to assist in efforts to keep Swain County beautiful.
Blue Ridge Community Health Services (Swain Health Department)
View Blue Ridge Community Health Services (Swain Health Department)
Southwestern Community College
Marianna Black Library
Mountain Mediation Center
Mediation of family, neighborhood, business, and other community conflicts as an alternative to judicial conflict resolution. Restorative Justice; Teen Court: Youth Mediation, Volunteer opportunities
HERE in Jackson County INC
SERVES SWAIN COUNTY 30 Day Temporary Emergency Shelter, housing focused case management, short term financial assistance, COVID emergency program. Code Purple Program, rapid re-housing. shelter for public health crisis
The Giving Spoon
Four Square Community Action, Inc.
Head start & HUD Section 8 housing. Housing Choice Voucher Portability, Urgent Repair Program, Weatherization Assistance Program, Information and referral to assist with self-sufficiency,
Restoration House WNC
The mission of Restoration House – WNC is to provide Restorative Services for all people at zero to minimal cost in the Western North Carolina region. The restorative services are for the mind, body and heart and may include: free counseling, access to free food and supplemental education as well as temporary emergency housing.
Hope Springs Eternal Inc.
Residental faith-based non-denominational post-recovery transitional housing facility for men.
Western Carolina Pacesetters
Services aimed at youth behavior issues. Programs include art, cultural, community service, outdoor actives, filed trips and school based programs that gives the students experiential education. Serving Cherokee, Graham, Swain and Macon County.
Life Choice Pregnancy Center of WNC
Life skills classes, resources for crisis pregnancies, Earn while you learn to program, Parenting skills, abortion healing bible studies
Swain County Sheriff’s Office
Law Enforcement in Swain County. Sheriff’s Mission: To Serve, Protect and Defend. We are committed to protecting the public, reducing crime and enhancing the lives of those in our communities. In an Emergency Call 911
Hights INC
WBHN Radio
MANNA FoodBank
MANNA FoodBank is a private, not-for-profit service organization working to end food insecurity in the 16 counties of Western North Carolina including the Qualla Boundary. MANNA links the food industry to over 200 partner pantries and other human service organizations to get food to thousands of families’ tables. MANNA is an acronym, and stands for Mountain Area Nutritional Needs Alliance. We are a member of Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger relief organization. Together we can solve hunger.
Webster Enterprises
WestBridge Vocational (Formerly Webster Enterprises), Provides vocational counseling, training, education, transportation, and other support services to eligible persons with physical, learning, mental, or emotional disabilities in order to help them become independent and job-ready. If you have a disability or disadvantage that prevents you from seeking employment, WestBridge can help break down barriers and create opportunities. You must be a resident of Jackson, Macon or Swain County in North Carolina or the Qualla Boundary. Serves over 100 adult clients each year. Training Programs: Soft Skills Training Employment training Integrated Work Training Pre-employment Transition Services Work Adjustment Services Supported Employment Manufacturing We connect people to opportunity through our quality-driven manufacturing. We are dedicated to empowering all people with barriers to employment by providing training opportunities that inspire them to learn, earn, and thrive in a world that may not understand their needs.
Westbridge Vocational
Training programs for people with disabilities or disadvantaged persons that have barriers to employment. Soft Skills Training; Employment Training; Integrated Work Training; Pre-Employment transition services, work adjustment services, supported employment. Serves Jackson, Macon, Swain County & Qualla Boundary.
PAWS (Placing Animals in Society)
To shelter and find good homes for unwanted, abused, stray animals. Continuing our efforts to educate through the Swain County School System by teaching children to provide responsible and kind animal care. We provide low-cost spay/neuter certificate program.
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