Lifeline Assistance Program

Lifeline is a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone and internet. Eligible customers will get up to $9.25 toward their bill. You can only use Lifeline for either phone or internet, but not both. Discounted service for landline phone service or cellular service. Discounted internet service; Citizens qualify by participating in programs like Medicare, SNAP, Federal Public Housing; Veterans and survivors pension benefits.

Westbridge Vocational

Training programs for people with disabilities or disadvantaged persons that have barriers to employment. Soft Skills Training; Employment Training; Integrated Work Training; Pre-Employment transition services, work adjustment services, supported employment. Serves Jackson, Macon, Swain County & Qualla Boundary.

Western North Carolina Aids Project (WNCAP)

Free confidential testing; support services for people living with HIV; HIV prevention & care; case management; emergency financial assistance; medication access; ST1 testing; harm reduction equipment, free sterile syringes, used syringe disposal site, syringe exchange program, free condoms